Sharp Auto Body has been in business over 40 years. They’ve seen and heard it all. So what can you learn from them?
- Any time there’s a phone call with an insurance company, record the call! That way you’ll have the proof you need if the insurance company tries to renege on their promise to pay.
- Calls should include all three parties – the shop, the client/claimant and the insurance company. Insurance companies tend to keep it more truthful and the conversations don’t become a he said/she said contest.
- Insurance companies try to coerce claimants into sub-standard repairs because the general public isn’t educated and doesn’t know better.
- Safety of the client and his/her family is the priority when it comes to doing car repairs, not dollars.
- The process can be frustrating. Ride it out and trust in your auto body shop to negotiate the repairs you deserve.
- Be proactive in your search for a trusted auto body shop before you get into an accident!
- Insurance companies try to convince clients to cash out rather than pay for repairs, as it is often cheaper for them. Often, the less expensive repair is not being done to the manufacturer’s specs, thus compromising your safety on the road.
If you have any questions related to collisions and auto repair, even if you’re using another body shop, call Sharp Auto Body. There’s questions you should be asking before any repairs take place.
In the event you do need repairs, call Sharp Auto Body at (847) 526-1343, a shop you CAN trust!.